Mental Age Test

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About The Mental Age Test Quiz

Have you ever asked yourself 'What is my mental age ?'. Well, now you can find out the answer. We'll ask you a series of multiple choice questions which you have to answer. The questions are random and you might see questions that are very similar to ones you have already answered. Don't worry - that's all part of the scientific and highly technical testing process.

Please note that we can only accept your first answer and you can't change your mind. So you need to make sure you think carefully. We would recommend though that you don't think too hard. Sometimes your first instinctive reaction is going to be the most accurate and be the best reflection of your mental age. Taking too long to answer can mean you could end up trying to answer 'young' or 'old' to give a fake result. Just go with the flow and answer as you first think and this will produce the best mental age test result.

At the end of the mental age test we present you simply with a number which is your mental age. Nothing more. Nothing less. Enjoy and please, please share !

Note ! This test is intended purely for fun.
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